Canon i-SENSYS MF3010 Driver Download & Setup Manual

Prior to you download and install the Canon Pixma Canon i-SENSYS MF3010---Driver that we have really established, ensure you take note of the operating system that works to Canon i-SENSYS MF3010 Driver, considering that if you download and install and set up Canon i-SENSYS MF3010 Driver that is not ideal with the os, after that when you place on a computer system blunder will definitely happen, and the printer Canon i-SENSYS MF3010 can not run ideally, considered that the printer driver Canon i-SENSYS MF3010 you downloaded and install is not ideal with the os set up on your computer system. you read some instructions below.

For certain products, a driver is required to make it possible for the connection between your product and a computer. On this tab, you will discover the suitable drivers for your product or in the absence of any kind of drivers, an explanation of your item's compatibility with each running system.

Canon i-SENSYS MF3010 Driver

We are below in order to help you to find Canon i-SENSYS MF3010 total details about full functions driver and software. Select the appropriate driver that compatible with your operating system.

Canon i-SENSYS MF3010 Printer Specifications

  • Print Speed, Up to 18 ppm (A4)
  • Printing Method, Monochrome laser beam printing
  • Print Quality, Up to 1200 x 600 dpi with Automatic Image Refinement
  • Print Resolution, 600 x 400 dpi
  • First Print Out Time, 7.8 secs
  • Printer Languages, UFRII-LT
  • Print Margins, 5 mm-top, 6 mm- bottom, 5 mm-left and right

Canon i-SENSYS MF3010 Scanner Specifications

  • Type, Colour
  • Scan Resolution, Optical: Up to 600 x 600 dpi and Enhanced: Up to 9600 x 9600 dpi
  • Colour Scanning Depth, 24 bit/24 bit (input/output)

Canon i-SENSYS MF3010 Copier Specifications

  • Copy Speed, Up to 18 ppm (A4)
  • First Copy Output Time (FCOT), Approx. 12 seconds or less
  • Copy Resolution, Up to 600 x 600 dpi
  • Copy Modes, Text, Text/Photo, Text/Photo+, Photo
  • Multiple Copy, Up to 9 copies

Canon i-SENSYS MF3010 printer driver Downloads for Microsoft Windows 32-bit-- 64-bit and Macintosh Operating System.

Canon i-SENSYS MF3010 Operating System Compatibility:

Windows 7 / Windows 7 (x64) / Windows 8 / Windows 8 (x64) / Windows 8.1 / Windows 8.1 (x64) / Windows 10 / Windows 10 (x64) / Windows Vista / Windows Vista (x64) / Windows XP / Mac OS X v10.11 / Mac OS X v10.10 /Mac OS X v10.9 / Mac OS X v10.8 / Mac OS X v10.7 / Mac OS X v10.6 / Linux.

Canon i-SENSYS MF3010 Driver Download

[Windows 64bit] i-SENSYS MF3010 MFDrivers (UFR II / ScanGear)~~~>>> Download
[Windows 32bit & 64bit] UFRII LT Printer Driver V30.88 ~~~>>> Download
UFR II/UFRII LT V4 Printer Driver V7.1.2  ~~~>>> Download
UFR II/UFRII LT V4 Printer Driver V7.0 ~~~>>> Download

Download and install the proper driver that suitable with your os.

Driver Download or the Installation for Windows Operating System:

How to install the driver for Canon i-SENSYS MF3010:

  1. First, you need to click the link provided for download,then select the option “Save” or “Save as”. Clicking “Save” is for downloading the file.Meanwhile if you choose “Run” or “Open”,the file downloaded will be automatically installed after the downloading process is completed.
  2. For your information,the driver file that you download will be saved in a certain folder that you have set before,especially in the self-extracting form or (.exe format).
  3. The last step is double clicking the downloaded file that has the format EXE file for the decompress process. Then,the installation will be automatically started.

How to uninstall the driver by using Control Panel.

Note: The following steps are for Windows 7. The different versions may have the different settings.
  1. Come to the Start menu, then you need to choose Control panel --> choose the driver and click “Uninstall a Program.”
  2. Wait until a page is appear with the list of the installed program. Then you need to double click the program that you want to uninstall.
  3. At last, choose “Yes” and “Ok”. The uninstall process is completed.

Driver Download or Installation process for Mac Operating System:

How to install driver of Canon i-SENSYS MF3010 in Mac:

  1. First, you need the file of the driver. When you have already completed the downloading process, it will be saved in the certain folder. You can see it at the computer settings.
  2. Second, you need to double click the downloaded driver file and mount it on the Disk Image.
  3. The third step is that you need to double click again the mounted Disk Image.
  4. At last, double clicking the packaged driver file. Do not worry, the installation is about to be started automatically.
However,the step-by-step of the installation (and vice versa),it can be differed depend upon the platform or device that you use for the installation of Canon i-SENSYS MF3010 .The above mentioned,the installation is occurred using Windows 7 and Mac for windows XP or windows 8 is not much different way.
